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10 Benefits of Having a Life Coach

coaching Sep 29, 2022

Empty nesting can be a challenging time.  Our kids leave home.  We may feel very alone.  Our health could be challenged.  We might be caregiving.  Our hormones are changing.  The career might need a facelift.  We have a lot going on and I think it is an excellent time to reinvent yourself and create a new you!  I was thinking that it might be nice to know how a coach can help during this time of life.  So here are my 10 Benefits of Having a Life Coach for the Empty Nester and they could also apply to almost anyone. 

1) Find clarity and direction

The main benefit is to help you move in a direction you want to go and identify the things holding you back. You will gain clarity over what you really want and how to go about getting it.

The question for you is…what do you want in life? And what is holding you back? Once you identify those two things, you can move forward more effortlessly.


2) Learn more about yourself.

How do we get to the empty nesting stage without really knowing ourselves? Well, we often let life go on autopilot without giving much thought to who we really are without the spouse, the kids, the friends and family. You have strengths that maybe you haven't discovered yet.

Your coach will listen for words and phrases that illustrate what you’re thinking, and can point them out to you. You may say things that don’t line up with reality because you might have a faulty belief system. An example is you might say something like, “Oh, I could never do that.” when in reality you probably could.

3) Identify your strengths.

Sometimes coaches will use tools to help you identify your strengths. This could be in the form of questions or some kind of an assessment. Once identified, you can play on those strengths and become even more skilled in different areas of your life.

4) Identify your obstacles, fears and insecurities.

Whether your obstacles are perceived or real, you can learn how to overcome them. You’ll also learn how to think differently and align your mind with what is true, based on reality, not just your thinking. Midlife and beyond is a good time to question the stories we tell ourselves - and we do tell ourselves stories!

5) Reconnect to your creativity.

We all have gifts and talents and the ability to create. As an empty nester, You can reconnect with these innate abilities and begin using your creativity in a variety of ways. The possibilities are endless!

6) Increased confidence.

Confidence arises from action and your coach will encourage you to take inspired action as you see fit.

7) See the possibilities for your life.

A coach can help you expand your vision of possibilities for your life. Possibilities are everywhere. I actually have a mantra for this very thing! It goes like this: Open to the possibilities; see the possibilities; experience the possibilities.

8) Setting goals and creating a plan for your life.

Setting goals is not always easy, but with a coach, you can learn how to move forward with inspired action which makes goal setting easier. Start with the big vision and break it down into manageable, bite-sized goals.

9) Accountability for your actions.

When you share your goals out loud with your life coach, you are more likely to make them a priority.

In fact, having a coach to check in with regularly, will help keep you from straying too far from your goals at any given time. They will know your roadmap as well as you do, so you can rest assured that someone is there to help you stay committed to the journey.

10) Feedback, support and celebration.

It’s so great to have a person be happy for you as you accomplish small and large goals. Life coaches hold space in a non-judgmental way, and celebrate all the things you do to move forward in the direction of your dreams. The feedback is very different from a friend or a spouse. The coach is your biggest cheerleader!

You can coach yourself, or be coached and experience life changing benefits that make the second half of life really joyful and impactful. Not sure what that would look like? Spend an hour or so with me and find out!  

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