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The Upside of Downsizing

Nov 27, 2023

Are you considering downsizing?  Moving from your current home to a smaller one?  Do you think it will be daunting, stressful, and overwhelming?  There is an upside to downsizing, and I share why in my new course which I'll tell you about below.  First, I want to acknowledge that this is a big and challenging move.  It does feel overwhelming at first; however, with my guidance, you can get through this project with peace and tranquility, if you follow my lead.

As a life coach, I try to help people with things I have gone through, so they can learn from my experience.  Such is the case with my recent downsizing project.  In the last year, my husband and I  moved from a 2800 square foot home to a 1900 square foot home.  It took a full year, including the time we spent living in a very small apartment.  I learned a lot of things in that year, so I decided to share what I learned in my first online course titled, "The Upside of Downsizing". 

This course is designed to help people in midlife and beyond contemplate, plan, and execute a successful downsizing move without all the stress and overwhelm. It starts with the "pre-decision" phase and concludes with the "getting settled in" phase. I'm really proud of this first effort in creating courses, and I know it will be helpful to those considering "the big move".

You can find my course HERE or HERE.  

This course is good for anyone thinking about downsizing or even real estate agents who want to provide more value for their clients.  If agents buy the course, they will have a boat load of information to pass on to their clients.  

Whether you are contemplating moving, or have already started the process, The Upside of Downsizing course will help you through the move with a more calm and peaceful mind.  

Grab the course HERE and NOW and relieve yourself of the anxiety of making this important move.  

If you would like my FREE Quick Checklist for downsizing before making the decision about the course, you can get that HERE.