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Life Vision Life Purpose

Dec 18, 2023





At any given time we are planted in the triad of the past, the present, and the future.

We focus on painful memories or we worry about what the future holds, and at the same time, we are busy doing.

The problem, and where people suffer, is in not focusing on who they are, what they are doing here, and where they are going. They just let life happen. Are you someone who lets life happen? Like...whatever man...I'll just wait for the wind to blow and see where it takes me?

I have always been pretty good about following my gut and making good decisions about my future. But where I really thrive is in the strive. I love to have a goal - something to work towards - and this gives me purpose. People are happier when they have purpose and meaning and that affects those around them. This relieves suffering because we choose to get uncomfortable and learn to live a challenging life - regardless of whether the challenges are brought on by the outside or the inside.

I know people need guidance here. It's why I offer my workshop called Life Vision Life Purpose, so we can get clear on what we need to be doing on a daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly basis.

We start with some reflective work, then look at where we are now. Moving forward, we see what kind of time we have left and where our time would be best spent.

You don't have to have a "Grand Purpose". However, you can create a purposeful season, project, or day.

If any of the following resonates with you:

-Feeling purposeless
-Living without meaning
-Kids are gone, now what?
-Confused, uncertain, wanting direction

Join me in my Life Vision Life Purpose Workshop where we dig in and create a vision for what life will look like once you establish your life purpose with a plan.

You can join here >>> Life Vision Life Purpose Workshop

Invite a friend!

Once you fill out the form to join the workshop, I will send you updates and reminders so you don't miss it.

Let's make this life count and leave a legacy for the next generation!

Can't wait to see you there!