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Have you Acknowledged Yourself Lately?

Jul 15, 2024

I posted this message on Facebook recently, so if we aren't Facebook friends you can read it or listen to my video here. 

I'm sitting with this idea of acknowledging myself because I was encouraged to do so, and I'm always up for a challenge. So here's what I decided to share.

I'm a woman in my mid-sixties who only a few years ago embarked on a journey to become the best life coach I could be. I questioned myself; I doubted myself; I had conversations with myself; and I made the decision to move forward knowing that I have something quite valuable to share in the world.

Within the last year, I made the decision to quit my corporate job and devote my full-time schedule to advance my coaching career. I quit that job last September and have been busy creating since then. Prior to September, I started building a business infrastructure that would support my marketing efforts including creating a website which I built myself. I also created several free offers which you can see here:

In addition, I created webinars on Love Mastery, Life Vision, Life Purpose, and The Art of Being. Some of my speaking has been in person at networking events and real estate sales teams meetings. I have given free content to the people who attended those webinars and to those who couldn't attend through my email newsletter.

I've created two courses for sale. One is The Upside of Downsizing, a six module course with twelve videos and eight supporting documents that help people who are considering downsizing. The other is my Life Vision Life Purpose webinar. Those are available here:

I have networked with hundreds of people in the Phoenix area and all over the world through local events and online Zoom meetings. I have participated in a local mastermind group and then created my own mastermind group. 💡

I recently created my own podcast called My Golden Life - a podcast for courageous women in the second half of life who want to live more intentionally with purpose, passion, and positivity in mind, body, and spirit. You can find that here: and you can listen on Apple and Spotify.

I have worked with and been mentored, and inspired by amazing coaches including Lanie Smith, Carla Reeves, John Strasser, Nathaniel Montgomery, Jackie Ulmer, Eric Lofholm, Ankush K Jain, and others whose work I follow regularly like Stacey Boehman, Brooke Castillo, Steve Hardison, Steve Chandler, MB Ford (Melissa Ford), Michael Neill, and many others.

I continue to practice and teach yoga and can still go upside down on my head, forearms, and hands with ease. Yoga was my first coach and continues to inform me on many levels, and I love my teachers!!!

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As my friend Jo says, I am a continuous learner. I just can't get enough information!

My purpose in sharing all this is not to brag, but to let whoever reads this know what is possible for a woman in her sixties (or any age). I am an example of what is possible. That is my message.

The biggest problem we face as humans is our inerrant thinking. If we could all get that right (or better), we have a chance to succeed at whatever we put our mind, heart, and soul into. So let this inspire you to do the thing you've been wanting to do. Improve your marriage, find the new career, start the business, write the book, have better relationships with your adult children, lose weight, workout more, change your diet, quit drinking (or cut back), climb the mountain, travel the world, find your true love (or at least a partner who adds positively to your life), buy the house, film the movie, get along better at work, get the job, get the promotion, become an investor, increase your sales, pay off the mortgage, paint the landscape, make more money, all while seeking balance and living well.

Happiness comes from within. Creation comes from within.

I have witnessed many people transform their lives by changing their thinking. It's easier said than done. It's a practice. It's a devotion to becoming your best self.

Now, I challenge you to acknowledge yourself. You can do it on paper, in private, or you can share your wins here. Either way, know you have done some amazing things and the possibilities are still out there for you to create. I know I'll be creating for a very long time. I'm just getting started!

P.S. My all time greatest achievement has been the blessing of being a mother to my amazing kids Lauren Mokarry and Michael Kneller who I love, adore, respect, and admire. I'm so lucky. ❤ Being a grandma is pretty great too!!!

To connect with me and have a conversation, book a call with me by clicking on the image below: