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Falling Madly in Love with Yourself

Dec 10, 2024

This blog post is about how to be madly in love with yourself and how you can cultivate this loving feeling towards yourself on a regular basis.

I love this concept which is not a particularly popular one. 

We are all hard on ourselves.  

The negative thoughts in our heads which have become unconscious, lead to unhelpful behavior.  

My ideas around who you would need to be to be fully in love with yourself include the following:

Decide you are going to love yourself.  This is a choice.

Know you are a creation of God and the Universe.

Acknowledge you are precious.  Remind yourself regularly of your precious nature.

Take care of yourself in Mind, Body, and Spirit. (watch the video)

Set boundaries to create space, safety, and energy.

Take care of your thoughts - especially the ones about yourself.  

Get yourself a Squish Mallow and hug it often.  Wrap your arms around yourself and give yourself lots of hugs.  

Treat yourself to something special even if it is small (like a coffee and croissant).  I added this one here.

Who would you need to be to be fully in love with yourself?  You would need to be the kind of person who does the aforementioned things on a regular basis and be sweet, kind, and compassionate towards yourself!