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Generativity and Your Footprint - Accelerate and Grow Podcast

May 26, 2024

I was a guest on this podcast recently and I want to share how I became a guest.  

Tab and Catherine Pierce own Networked Live - a networking and personal growth company located in Phoenix, Arizona.  I have been a member of Networked Live since its inception a couple of years ago.  I love the Pierces.  They are the real deal - down to earth, very supportive, and always inspiring.  

I was at an event one night and talking with Tab.  He mentioned his podcast and I asked why I wasn't a guest yet.  He said all the women who had scheduled to be a guest on their podcast cancelled at the last minute.  I promised him if he and Catherine agreed to interview me, I would not cancel.

Next thing I knew, I got an invitation to be a guest and I agreed.  And I showed up!  

Sometimes we have to ask for something when we want it - because it could benefit others.  I don't know what you will get out of this interview, but if you get one idea or insight it will be worth it.  I had a great time and I'm excited to share.  

Please enjoy!  

Seven Tips for a Sensational Second Half 

My Golden Life

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