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Gratitude as Your Superpower

Nov 17, 2023

A few years ago, as I was working at my corporate job, I decided to create a different kind of gratitude practice. I had one of those note know...the light green ones, spiral bound at the top with lines? It was like a 5 x 7 size and was not too big or too small.

I typically used this note pad to track my activity for each day at work. I put the day and date on the top of the page, then numbered my tasks and checked off my accomplishments for the day.

Before starting my day, I would write down one thing at the top of the page that I was grateful for. I did this every workday for about three years. The only reason I stopped was because at some point it dawned on me that I might be more productive if I didn't track all my activities. The tracking was directing me away from the activity and became cumbersome. Once I gave up the tracking, my productivity actually improved. You would think it could be the opposite, but I promise, that's what happened.

I swear it became my superpower. I was feeling so positive, helpful, productive, and content. I know my attitude rubbed off on others. My gratitude rippled out into my work team, my family, friends, and followers.

As I mentioned, I do not keep a notepad for tracking anymore, but I have not stopped being grateful. I say thank you when I get a good parking spot, when a stranger smiles at me, when my husband does something to help me, when a driver lets me in, when I pray, receive a compliment, a gift, my grandson, or my Starbucks coffee. There isn't a day that goes by when I am not grateful for something.

In the video above, I ask a bunch of questions and I typically want to know three things:

What do you think?
How do you feel?
What do you do?

These questions can be asked about almost any topic. For example, in this post, I'm asking...

What do you think about gratitude?
How do you feel about gratitude?
What do you do about gratitude?

Here's another example:

What do you think about procrastination?
How do you feel when you procrastination?
What do you do about procrastination?

The questions are universal in that they help us go deeper into the subject and really contemplate how we think, feel, and act about all things.

I also ask you to reflect back on what you were grateful for yesterday, what you are thankful for today, and what you might be grateful for in the future. Thinking in the three dimensions reminds us of the amazing support system we have in our lives.

So...if you don't have a gratitude practice but would like to have the superpower, find a way to practice gratitude every day or few days. Here are a few ideas to help you get started:

1) Write on a sticky note: "Gratitude" and post it somewhere you can see it every day. It will remind you to recall what you are grateful for that day.

2) Spend 10 minutes journaling about what you feel grateful for during your current day, week, month, or year.

3) Send a text to someone who inspires you and thank them for the inspiration.

4) Post a graphic on social media sharing your gratitude for something.

5) Send a thank you card to someone who has made you feel special lately.

The truth about gratitude is that when you practice noticing all the things that you receive that are helpful, kind, icing on the cake kind of things, and even the challenges in your life, you are admitting that life is not lived in a vacuum. You are supported by a wide web of people, inspiration, and things that support you. A regular practice of gratitude makes you more positive, helps you in your work, life, and relationships. It is a powerful practice that rubs off on others. This is why it is your superpower.

As we approach Thanksgiving, let's ask ourselves every day what we feel most thankful for and acknowledge the blessing. Then, we can truly experience the superpower of gratitude. always, if you ever need support in life and want to have a chat, reach out to me.  Click on the image below to schedule a call with me.