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The Mother-Daughter Journal

May 24, 2023

I'm not sure when this occurred to me to do this, but when my daughter left for college, I slipped a journal into her suitcase in which I had written some things about my thoughts, activities, and feelings.  It was similar to writing in my own journal; however, I knew she would be reading it, so of course it was content appropriate.  In the journal, I asked her if she would like to reciprocate and journal back, letting me know how her college experience was going, and sharing anything she felt like sharing.

She loved the idea!  When I would go visit her, she would slip the journal back into my suitcase without me seeing.  I loved the surprise when I returned home to find she had written back!  This became a little game - secretly stashing the journal back into each other's bags.

This form of connecting wasn't too far off for us because for one thing, we already had great communication between us, and she enjoyed writing in her own journals for years.  I thought she might be open to the idea.  I don't know how long this lasted, but probably for the better part of her first year of college.  At some point, I knew when to end it.  She hung onto that journal for quite a while.  Now I have it somewhere in my collection.  The cool thing is that when I leave this earth, she will get it back again and have something special to remember us by.  

This is what my 33-year-old daughter recently said about our journal experience.

"I loved this special communication with my mom during college. I had always loved journaling, so for me, this seemed easy, and a way to stay connected to my mom while gaining my independence.  Also, it was fun to find the journal in my suitcase with a special message from my mom."

I would love to hear what other ideas you have for staying close and connected to your kids while they are away.  Texting is nice, but also getting a card in the mail is kind of special.  I don't know anyone - especially my kids - who hate getting special messages and cards that express love and appreciation for them.  

Have fun coming up with new ideas!


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