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10 Ideas for Re-Imagining Your Life

May 29, 2023

Hope you enjoyed that video!  This blog post is dedicated to giving you some ideas for re-imagining your life in whatever phase you are in now.

Here's a reality nugget:  Change is inevitable.  Change is constant.  Life is all about change.

I remember when my son was in pre-school and he was deep into a painting or clay project. He was in the flow.  Then, without notice, it came time to change activities.  My son exploded.  He got mad, then cried, then extended the tantrum until he was taken to the Director's office to calm down.  That is where I often picked him up.  He hated the abrupt change.  He was like some of us who are like, "what the hell? I was having a good time.  What is going on?  Why this sudden shift?"  

Most of those kids and most adults adjust to change quite well.  After all, what choice do we have?  Some of us resist change, or just get confused as we have to adjust our thinking in order to adapt.  

I want to give you hope about this stage in life.  The change is good for you.  It's necessary.  After all, do you want your kids to live with you forever?  I think not.  The change will help you grow, find new interests and become more interesting!

Here is the exciting news! 

You get to create your life over the next few decades and all you need is your brain (and maybe a bit of desire).

I have always thought that life is short.  Let's not waste a minute of it!

10 Ideas for Re-Imagining Your Life 

1)  You can discover new ways to communicate with your kids who are attending college.  I have a cool idea for you here.

2)  More travel could be in your future.  Where do you want to go?

3)  Your job or career could maybe use a facelift.  What do you want to do?  How do you want to serve?   

4)  Making new friends could be a priority for you.  I have made new friends through networking and Meetup.

5)  What tugs on your heartstrings?  Do you want to volunteer?  Start a non-profit?  Serve the elderly or take care of babies?

6)  This is a great time to improve your relationship with your spouse or significant other.  How can you love each other even better?

7)  Create, create, create!  What do you want to create?  Crafts?  A business?  A blog?  Art?  Music?  New relationships?  

8)  How can you improve your health?  What can you learn about your body, brain, mind and spirit?  

9)  What needs refreshing?  Your home?  Your wardrobe?  Your makeup?  Your car?

10)  Looking at the next three decades, what do you see as possibilities in your life?  

This is the best time to rediscover your identity and purpose, and to create a newer, exciting life.  This is NOT the end of the line.  If you take care of yourself, you may have at least 3-4 decades left to enjoy being on the planet with your family and friends.  

The key is to surround yourself with people who inspire you to experience life differently.  Spend time thinking about, contemplating, and even praying about what is next for you.  Getting quiet, writing down your thoughts, and talking to others who can help you see the possibilities, can really help you create a fun life.  

Reach out if you would like to explore coaching with me.  Click the image below to schedule a call.