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Skillful Living Blog for Empty Nesters

The Mother-Daughter Journal

I'm not sure when this occurred to me to do this, but when my daughter left for college, I slipped a journal into her suitcase in which I had written some things about my thoughts, activities, and feelings.  It was similar to writing in my own journal; however, I knew she would be reading...

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Reinvention Starts with a Spiritual Foundation

Reinventing your life requires a commitment to doing something new, different, out of the ordinary.  It is a starting over of sorts.  It requires reflection, contemplation, visualization, planning and execution.  It would make no sense to reinvent yourself if you skip the very...

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Five Places Where Your Problems Come From

Here is the answer to all your problems! Hahah...of coure I'm joking... but seriously, I'm going to give you my take on why we have so many problems. Here's my list of 5 places where problems come from.

I'm talking about problems in general, not specific problems such as "why isn't this widget...

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5 Ways to Nurture Your Body with Your Breath

Developing the skill of deep breathing can help you with so many things in the second half of life.

Why everyone doesn't know how to do this is a mystery to me, but the truth is, many people still need to learn this skill.

I find it amazing that we have the ability to control our breath to some...

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Self Coaching for the Empty Nester

If you are not familiar with the concept of self-coaching, then welcome to this blog post! 

Self-coaching is the practice of managing your mind.  It is a tool that includes body and mind awareness (mindfulness), reflection, questioning and deciding.  

We learn to self-coach by...

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10 Benefits of Having a Life Coach

Empty nesting can be a challenging time.  Our kids leave home.  We may feel very alone.  Our health could be challenged.  We might be caregiving.  Our hormones are changing.  The career might need a facelift.  We have a lot going on and I think it is an...

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